Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Exchanging beauty for ashes...

Dear friends,
We shouldn't be surprised by suffering or when we're bulldozed by life. It is part of living in a fallen world. "Dear friends, don't be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you." (1 Peter 4:12) Instead, we should be surprised by God's healing power that springs forth from the depths of our pain. God is mighty within us and is committed to restoring us. He is on a mission to revise, refresh, and resurrect the dead places in our souls that have been caused by severe wounds. "If you return to me, I will restore you....I will give you back your health and heal your wounds." says the Lord (Jeremiah 15:19, 30:17). To restore means to bring back to a former or original condition. God's restoring work in scripture means that He always improves, increases, and multiplies something above and beyond its original condition.

If I were to invite Jesus to visit over a cup of tea (I don't drink coffee), I believe he would share his heart in this way: I have good news for you. I am with you. I want to comfort you and heal your broken heart. At this very moment, I am pushing back hell and fighting your battles for you. I am avenging you. Before long you will experience the spoils of victory. I see all the details. You deeply grieve your losses, and your grief is valid. I want to fellowship with you in your suffering. Come to Me. Allow My Spirit to touch your wounds. I promise I will replace your devastation and despair with My Spirit of gladness and joy. This isn't something you can do. It is something I will accomplish for you. Don't look back; don't gaze back at Egypt. I am delivering you to the promised land. Trust me...I am the God who created you for a greater purpose who loves you with an everlasting love. Hang in there; don't give up. I'm not only in the storm with you, I'm in the boat - it will not sink - you will not perish.

He will exchange your ashes for beauty.....God has the remarkable ability to touch the wounds we endure, turning them into a launching pad for His plans and purposes. He will be glorified!!!

Praise be to the Living God!

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